Well, May has turned out to be quite the eventful month...
We are fully moved in to our new place and are still in love with it. It definitely feels like home. Except to poor Pheobe... I don't know if I've mentioned before, but she's afraid of walking on tile/hardwood floors. And our new living room and dining room are hardwood. She immediately took up residence on the bottoms stairs and entry rug in front of the front door. It took a lot of coaxing, but we finally got her to walk from the door to her dog bed in the dining room where her food is. She didn't like it and some times took one of us calling her, but she got used to it. Well, I'm not sure if she slipped at some point or what, but now she won't cross the living room at all. We have to drag her across. It's worrying me because I know she's only getting food and water when we drag her to it, but I just keep thinking if she gets really hungry she'll just go for it. Sigh... weird dog.
One unfortunate thing that May has brought us is the death of Ty's truck. We knew it was coming eventually. I mean, the thing has been lopsided for a good 9 months. But we just kept thinking it would hang on until the fall. Obviously, it didn't. It just wouldn't start one day and there's no way we're putting money into it to get it fixed (it's 20 years old and a pos) but now he's without a vehicle. Ok, that's technically not true. He does have two motorcycles, but neither of them happen to work at the moment. (Insert eye roll here) So we've been sharing my car which means him shuttling me to work at 5 am and me waiting around an hour and a half after my shift for him to get off of work. Then I'm without a car on my days off so I've been stranded at home. It's been stressful. He's been looking for a new vehicle forever it seems, but a. he's insanely picky and b. when we find one we're interested in, it doesn't work out for whatever reason. I am hoping and praying that we find one soon... Not just because it'll be less stressful, but because he can't take his bikes to be repaired without one and I'd like to go kayaking sometime this summer!!
Besides that drawback, May has treated us pretty well. It was my birthday this last week. The not so big 24. I didn't really plan on doing much besides going out the weekend before. I took a three day weekend to treat myself. Unfortunately, Ty was in class all day Saturday and the rest of the evening was spent driving an hour away to look at a truck. I was a little disappointed that we didn't go out to a fancy meal or anything, but the next day we spent together. We had doughnuts the size of our faces and ice cream and laid around watching the Big Bang Theory all day. Nothing too eventful but it was nice just to spend the day with him. On my actual birthday we did go out to eat, but after him working all day and me having to be up super early for work the next morning, it wasn't too crazy. It's weird to think I'm 24. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since I've been on this Earth.. Some days I don't feel like I've accomplished anything. But then I glance at my husband and our pup and think about the places I've been, I'm pretty content with where I'm at. I'm still young. I don't need to be a huge success or to have it all figured out at this point in my life. I'm incredibly happy and that's all that matters.
The next day at work I received a surprising birthday present. I was promoted! Not too shabby of a gift, huh? I wasn't really expecting it to happen this quickly or how it did. I knew it was going to happen by the end of the year, but I figured I'd have to go to another store or something like that. But it turns out the person above me is leaving the company. So they gave me the job! It was between me and another girl at the same level as I am, but I have more experience with this position and this position directly oversees mine so it makes more sense for me to have it. I officially start next week. I'm really excited about it, but also a little nervous. It's going to mean less super early mornings but more closing shifts which I'm not thrilled about.It's also way more responsibility and doing things I'm not used to. I'm basically going to be in charge of keeping the store running and all of the paperwork completed. But the pay is nice and it's nice to finally be on an upward progression with my job. I was in the same position for four year due to me moving around. And now I'm promoted again in less than a year! Not too bad... It's interesting to see how far I can get without a degree. I mean, I'm still "planning' on going back this fall, but I've made it pretty far without one. Old Navy is not my dream career, but I enjoy what I do. And you can make a decent living from it if you keep working your way up. There's always somewhere to go with it, which I like.
The hubs and I had the day off together today for Memorial Day. We had planned to hang out with friends by the pool all day, but they sort of bailed so we did what we do best: drink, eat, and shop. It was nice, but it would have been more fun to drink by the pool I think...
I hope you all had a more eventful Memorial Day! Remember what the day is really about: All of those who fought and have fallen for our freedom. To them, we give our thanks and owe our lives.
Until next time!
Birthday flowers from my mamma |
Spring in our new neighborhood.. |
We told her to sit and I think she just panicked... |
Lazy day... |
Didn't I tell you they were huge?! |
This is my "Hey, I'm 24" face |
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