Well, I am officially back in the Midwest... yippee...
I guess I should back up and summarize the last few weeks.
The move was stressful. I was so worried about getting something wrong with all of the moving forms or that something wouldn't go right and we'd be screwed. On top of that, I was incredibly stressed about our checkout with our landlord from our place. It had to be impeccably clean or we'd be charged.
Of course, I put off the cleaning until the last minute, which meant the last few days I had with my husband were spent cleaning or being stressed about cleaning. Besides the actual "moving out" part, that last week did not go how I wanted it to.
I wanted to spend every possible minute with him before he left doing stuff we actually enjoyed. Instead, we were cleaning or packing.
The day that the movers came went really smoothly surprisingly. We just sat around and they took care of everything. Perks of being military. :)
However, they came the next day for his motorcycle. That was an ordeal. We were told that we had to disconnect the battery and empty the gas tank. Well, of course we forgot to run the bike to empty it so we had to let it run all morning to try and get out as much as possible. Then, I ran to buy a siphon pump about 15 minutes before the time they were supposed to arrive. It took me about a half an hour to figure out how to put the little sucker together and how to actually use it. After all of this, once they arrived, they informed us we didn't have to do any of that because it wasn't being stored. Insert appropriate four letter word here.
That night my mother flew in to drive with me back home. I really wanted to show her our little part of California and actually do something fun, but instead we spent her only day there cleaning..:/
The next day, he left. That was absolutely awful. Do goodbyes ever get easier? Luckily I was distracted with all of the things that needed to get done and didn't get a chance to have a complete meltdown.
Finally, we gave back the key to our first home together and said goodbye to California. So began the 32 hour trek back to the Midwest. It was long. Really long. We ran into some troubles including needing a new tire, taking a half hour wrong turn, and driving through torrential rain and hail, but we made it.
It's been an adjustment being back, to say the least. My parents divorced a few months ago, so I get to adjust to the whole situation late in the game. My mother is currently living in a trailer that is small and old. I won't be too judgmental, but let's just say she doesn't keep it that tidy.
I really miss having my own home and my own space. I miss having my patterns and routines. I miss the people. Most of all I miss Ty.
It wasn't too bad at first with how busy I was and considering the fact that it was only going to be 6 weeks. A couple of days ago, however, he informed me that it was now going to be 3 months. What the hell. I lost it. I pretty much cried all night. I was so upset. I accepted 6 weeks. 3 moths is not an option.
He will get to come home for a week at Christmas so it's really only 9 weeks until I see him, but still. I don't know what to do without him for three months. He's my best friend. He's the one I want to do everything with...
I don't know how military wives do it. This is only 3 months. He's not deployed or going to be gone for a year. I should suck it up, and I'm trying. But it still sucks.
Well, this sure is a negative post. With all of this crap, there are things that I've enjoyed. I got to see my babies (nephews and niece). I didn't realize how much I missed them and cannot believe how big they are. I'm really looking forward to spend time with them while here. I also am enjoying the foliage. I haven't seen autumn in over 2 years. I'm going crazy over all of the colors...
Well, that's all I have for now. I hope I haven't whined too much.. but it's my blog. So tough! (just kidding)
Here's some pictures to hopefully make up for my complaining:
My nephew's birthday party!! |
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