Yes, today is my birthday. I'm the big 22. It's hard to believe 21 is over. That's the number you live for your entire life before it. And now, it's passed. No more big deal birthdays. Only a few more years until I'm supposed to start denying my age, right?
For being such a big deal, 21 was nowhere near as exciting to ring in as 22 was. I expected so much from my 21st birthday. You know, the whole going out drinking with all of my friends, staying out until all hours of the night. The cliche'. Unfortunately, it didn't go like that. I thought maybe my husband would surprise me with flowers or something and we would drink mimosas, but he ended up having to work all day. So I spent the day by myself. We did go out to eat which was nice and I got to order my first legal drink. That was the highlight. At that point I had a total of 1 friend out here, but I would occasionally hang out with some of my husband's friends. He invited a few of them over to the house for a party, but no one showed saving my one friend and her husband. They came for about an hour and left. My birthday ended at like 10. It was really depressing.
This year was a million times better. We started hanging out with a new couple and a few of their friends last week. So we invited them over Friday to celebrate my bday. We ate, drank, played board games(we're awesome) until like 2am. It was the latest I had stayed up in I don't know how long. Saturday did not start well though. We were heading out for the day when our car decided to die on us. We had to get it towed, but sat in a parking lot for an hour waiting. Luckily, the same people we had hung out with the night before were nearby and kept us company. We finally got it fixed, but the afternoon was gone. Not having any plans for the rest of the day, we got invited out for the night. Then we asked everyone back for another game night which lasted until 4am. Somehow we woke up early enough yesterday to do our Sunday tradition of endless mimosas and the most amazing waffles ever at our favorite restaurant. And miraculously the group joined us there too. Then we all got together to "watch" the eclipse rounding out an amazing birthday weekend.
I know that this all sounds pretty ordinary, but for us it's not. We're a very anti-social couple. We enjoy spending time with each other. Somehow, though, we managed to find a group of people exactly like us. They like board games and staying in and hanging out. I thought they'd get sick of us this weekend but they kept coming along. While I'm sure I would have been just as happy spending my birthday with just Ty, it made it a little extra special to share it with new friends.
So, now after all of the eating and the drinking endlessly, I'm probably 10 pounds heavier, but no regrets. I think this was one of the best birthdays ever. :)
My 21st year was pretty uneventful overall. 22, however, is going to be drastically different. We're going to be separated for a few months and then we make the move across the country. Our lives are going to be very different 6 months from now. But I'm ready for a change. Mostly because we knew it was coming so we've been in limbo for over a year. It'll be nice to know that where we go next we'll be for awhile. We can really feel at home. I think I'm going to like 22. :)
And now some pictures...
Blue nails for my birthday! |
I was craving brownies so I made brownies... |
My birthday present from the love. Best husband ever??:) |
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