Well hello all! Sorry it's been so long...(do I start every post that way??) Getting back into the swing of things (aka life) needed all of my attention, but I am finally able to update on life at the moment. :)
So far Maryland has been pretty good. Ty and I both started working and I've been working way more hours than I ever did in California. While sometimes I would much rather not work at all, it's nice to not feel so lazy sitting at home doing absolutely nothing like in Cali.. As far as work goes, so far so good. The team is friendly for the most part and I think they like having someone who actually knows how to do things and do them right. They've been using me like a work horse. But my wallet definitely doesn't mind.
While having a lot of hours at work is great, it sort of prohibits any exploration of our area considering I usually work weekends. We haven't really gone anywhere of any interest yet. We have checked out all of the nearby malls however. lol I can't believe we've been here this long and haven't gone to D.C. or even Baltimore or even the coast!! Sigh... We'll get there eventually I guess. We're here for awhile, we can take it all in.
There's so much I want to do around here! I want to see all of the historical buildings and sites (hello, associates in history) and go hiking and go to the ocean and all of the museums and maybe even get to NYC eventually.. There's SO much to do around here that it's hard to know where to start! Now that it's getting warmer, we have nothing holding us back. We just need to plan our weekends out and do it!
Speaking of the weather... it is gorgeous here at the moment! It's so strange, one week we have 5 inches of snow and two weeks later it's almost 90! I think Maryland believes it's the Midwest. But now we're actually getting spring weather and I'm loving it. Flowers are blooming and all of the blossom trees are so gorgeous. We even got to do a little gardening yesterday (well, Ty did. I watered them...). We officially have lillies as long as they don't die...
That's really all I have to share at the moment. Work, work, work...
On a side note though, I've been thinking more and more about what I want to do for work. Apparently there is a program for military spouses to receive money to get certificates. I started looking at what jobs I could do with some sort of certificate that I would like. The only thing that really stood out to me was getting certified as a personal trainer. I've been on my own fitness journey for awhile now and the longer I'm on it, the more passionate I get about it. I've actually been seriously considering getting my degree in nutrition or at least certified as a nutritionist. The importance of food to our health is something that I have become pretty passionate about. With a certificate in personal training, I could have a well rounded career. Ideally, in my dream world, what I would like to do is get a degree in either nutrition or psychology with a minor in whichever I don't major in and also get certified as a personal trainer. I would love to provide a "360" approach to health. While exercise and nutrition are vital to overall health and wellness, I think mental health is overlooked on the journey. It such a key factor of health and wellness that needs to be addressed. If you don't have a healthy mindset or a healthy emotional relationship with your body when you're "unfit", you won't magically obtain it when you're fit. I would love to start that discussion with clients I would have. I would provide the fitness and nutritional aspect, but also scratch the surface of the mental health aspect. Obviously, without a doctorate or further education, I couldn't do a lot in the way of therapy or psychology, but with a minor or bachelor's, I could at least address some of the minor issues and be able to refer to a professional with the greater issues such as eating disorders.
These are just some thoughts I've been having... It's good to dream big right? lol
Well, that's all for now. :)
Except for these...
Gotta love that face... |
Brunch... |
New favorite.. |
Officially an east coast man in Tommy stripes... |
Rainy day... |
Too needy... |
Well sure.. it is March... |
Morning face... |
Atmosphere... |
Details... |
Easter hair... |
Easter Brunch... |
How delicious does that look? |
Sunlight... |
New season, new hair... |
Nothing like a beer on the deck on a sweltering day... |
Signature color... |
FINALLY found THE bag. After years of looking... I LOVE it! |
Perfect night for a fire and some wine... |
*P.S. Sorry that all I have had lately are Instagram pics... I'm trying to sell my camera and until I get a new one, I'm in protest. lol
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