Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Summertime and the Living is Easy...

So summer has officially arrived. And I'm ready for it to leave. I hate the heat. HATE. I hate being sweaty and uncomfortable and feeling like you can't breathe.. Add to the fact that I haven't had a real summer in almost 3 years. Monterey rarely saw 80 let alone 93. Sigh... Is it fall yet???
In other news...
I got a promotion! After 4 years I'm finally moving up. Thank God. This means more money and more responsibilities but also more time away from the love and less freedom with my schedule. I'm excited to finally be in a leadership position and to finally be making a step forward. Plus the extra money is nice. But I'm reluctant to leave my current store where I already feel like family. I'm also not excited about working nights away from my husband and starting out at a new store (yet again). Luckily, I don't NEED the extra money so if it ends up making me miserable or compromises my relationship in any way, I'm not afraid to step away.
It's exciting for something to finally be changing and progressing for me. I've been stagnant for a long time. I've also been looking more and more into getting certified as a personal trainer and nutritionist. There's a grant I'm looking into for military spouses that may cover it and as soon as I find out whether it will or not, I'm signing up! I figure it could turn into something and even if it doesn't, I didn't waste my money. I've also been contemplating career choices. I was thinking about possibly becoming a nutritionist or dietitian, but I really don't enjoy chemistry or science and I don't necessarily want to use it in a hospital. I more am interested in nutrition as related to health and fitness. I have, however, been looking more into getting my bachelor's in psychology and  going on to either be a marriage and family counselor or a guidance counselor. I've been reluctant to major in Psych because I know you can't really do anything with it without a higher degree. I'm definitely not interested in a doctorate but to become a marriage and family counselor or guidance counselor you only need a masters and observed training. I'm still thinking about it because it will take a while to accomplish, but I'm definitely leaning that way. It's nice to finally be at least semi sure about a field. :)
I had my first physical in five years today. I suck at being an adult so I haven't done anything medical related in at least 3 years... After my eye exam trauma, I was a little nervous about the physical. It'd be my luck that something would come up. But it went really well. I didn't even freak out too much about getting my blood drawn. lol. On deck next is finally getting to the ophthalmologist, getting to the dentist, and getting to the gyno, which I've never been too (I know, horrible). I'm getting better at this stuff at least.
My husband ran his first sprint triathlon last weekend. He decided to do it about a month ago and barely trained (didn't have access to a pool) but he did amazing. Under 2 hours! I was really proud of him to do something like that completely on his own.
The park where the place was held had the most beautiful lake which made me finally break down and agree to buy kayaks for us. He's been wanting to for awhile but I didn't think it was practical and figured we'd never actually use them. But after his race I figured why not? It's something to do on the weekends and could be a great hobby. I was surprised by how excited I actually was when we got them. I'm so excited to try them out and spend hours on the water. I told him that I could see us becoming one of those "granola" couples who camp and hike and kayak every weekend. Doesn't sound so bad...
July is going to be a crazy month for me. I start my new job, our anniversary is the week after next, and my mother is coming to visit with her boyfriend. Is it bad to say that I'm not too excited for her visit? It's just that the week she's coming is the week I'm supposed to be starting the job, but I got it worked out to where I'm doing a training week so I'll have some actual time with her. Also it's going to be so awkward having her and her boyfriend that I've never met here. I guess I'm still getting used to the whole "my parents aren't together anymore and have other people" thing. I don't know what we're going to do while they're here considering Ty will be working all day and I haven't actually been anywhere. I hope they like to drink at home because that's all I have planned...
I hope you all are enjoying your summer so far. Less than 3 months until Autumn! :)

5 am is kind of pretty I guess...


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Friday, June 7, 2013

Just One of Those Days...

Ugh. Today has been one of those days... Where everything seems like a bigger deal then it is and everything seems to be going to hell.. Bleh. I don't know if I'm just being overly emotional or what...
It started with an eye exam this morning. First off, they called my insurance to get it authorized and they said that an eye exam wasn't covered which I KNOW it is because I just got the benefits booklet. But I said oh well. It's 40 bucks and I really need an eye exam. 
The exam ended with the optometrist needing to refer me to an ophthalmologist because he doesn't know why the vision in my right eye is being weird.. 
Needless to say, I'm a little freaked out about that. My mind instantly goes to the worst like a tumor or something...
Anyways... in order to go to the ophthalmologist I have to get my new insurance all set up because I'll need authorization to go. So I call to see how I go about getting a primary care provider but no one really gives me a clear answer on how to do it. Luckily, some people on facebook helped me out so hopefully I did it correctly. 
But I still need to get a referral for my referral. And of course the optometrist didn't sign the referral form so I'm going to have to go back and get that signed in order to fax it to my insurance as well as get my referral appointment set up. Gah.
And then to top it all off: I started my period. Which means I'm not pregnant. (obviously)
That was the cherry on top of my craptastic day. 
Tears ensued and I had a good feeling sorry for myself session. It was all just too much for today. Too much.
So I'm going to spend the rest of my day watching movies and maybe indulging in some bad for me food and a glass of something strong.
Thanks for listening to my pity party.

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