Hello all! I cannot believe that it's almost the end of October... I think that time deliberately goes quicker this time of year because it knows how much I love it. It's finally actually been feeling like fall outside after what seemed like endless summer heat. Of course, now, I'm whining about how cold it is in the mornings, but oh well. I'll take it in exchange for finally getting to experience fall. The leaves here seem to be resisting changing, however.. It may be because of the lack of rain over the summer, but they're just not turning vibrant like I imagined. Sigh..
Life has been pretty uneventful lately. Ty and I have both been so busy with work and him with EMT class. I did the math, and, on a good week, we maybe see each other 40 hours. I see my coworkers more often. How incredibly depressing is that? I wish that we had a way to work with each other or work from home or something. I know most spouses would most likely get sick of one another, but I would love seeing him all day. Especially having a specific task to do such as work. We'd get to be with each other, but doing something productive.
We did go to the Air Force ball last month. I was expecting it to be sort of boring and for me not to know anyone. But it actually was a blast. I got to wear a beautiful dress and get my hair done and dance the night away with Ty and some of his friends that I actually knew. It was so much fun. We stayed the night at the hotel where it was held so we got to have extra fun since we didn't have to drive home. It was nice going out and doing something new.
Other than that, we've been spending the few nights we are together at home. We don't have much time for exploring or anything too exciting. We did buy a new car last weekend. Does that count as exciting? I have been searching for a new car for the last three or so months... I know way more about cars than I ever really wanted to. What we opted for was not my first choice, but I'm loving it so far. It's three years old but has barely any miles on it and it's all wheel drive AND it's blue! A pretty perfect find I think. Now, unfortunately, we have to find a vehicle for my husband... His 20 year old truck is not going to make it much longer which is unfortunate considering we just got it before we moved and considering he loves it. It's his perfect truck. But alas.. a replacement must be found. Which means money is going to be tight for awhile. I am not looking forward to having a car payment again and having nothing in savings (what we're paying for his car with). But it'll be alright. We've been worse off. It was just nice having spending and fun money.
What else... Oh! My little sister got married over a month ago now (crazy!). I spoke to her via skype the other day and she informed me that they're already trying for a baby.. yeah. That definitely surprised me. For one, she and him have known each other less than a year. For two, they JUST got married. Three, only he is working and they live right outside a major city which means it's rather expensive to live there. I just can't believe they're even thinking about kids yet. I know it's not my business and my opinion doesn't matter, but I just don't get it. I think she's underestimating how difficult it's going to be to just finance a baby. My eldest sister gets government assistance and mooches off of my grandmother to basically provide for her kids. I don't know if maybe my younger sees this and just assumes that the money will be there somewhere. I'm trying not to be judgmental, I'm just worried. She's not the "maturest" or responsible of people and I don't want them getting into a bad situation with finances while trying to raise a baby. I guess we'll see. It's they're lives... they can do what they like.
It's hard to believe that the holidays are right around the corner. I know that the month of November and beginning of December are pretty much going to be hell for me. Not only am I in retail, but I'm in the marketing aspect of retail which of course blows up for the holidays. I'm really trying not to even think about it. I just keep telling myself it's 4 weeks of craziness and then it's over. :/
Considering that we won't really have a Thanksgiving together since I'll be working, I really want Christmas to be special this year. This will be the first year that we don't go back home since being married. While I'm sad to not see my family, I'm grateful that I won't have to deal with trying to figure out how to see everyone now that they're all over the place. Ty and I can start our own traditions and spend the day together. Maybe watching Christmas movies around our fireplace drinking hot chocolate or peppermint lattes... That sounds perfect to me.
That's all I have for now! Until next time!
Morning face... |
Fall uniform... |
Fall essentials... |
Bedside things... |
New hair... |
Officially addicted to cheese and crackers... |
Air Force ball.. So much fun |
Pasta is always better with cheese... |
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