Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is It Spring Yet??

Hey there!
We've almost made it through February, thank God. I'm so sick of winter and dreary, cold days... I need some warmth and fresh air! We had a fluke day of about 60 a week or so ago that felt like heaven. It immediately made everything happier and better.
Not a lot has been happening here, but a lot has been... If that makes sense... The only real change is that we heard news about Ty's job situation. Apparently his position isn't overstaffed so he won't be let go! We are so relieved. We were definitely not prepared to be without his job that's for sure. But it definitely made us realize we have a lot of work to do and things to think about before his time is up in 2 years. For now though we can breathe a little easier.
Besides that, February hasn't been too good for us. I won't go into the dramatic and personal details, but I'll just say we've been going through some stuff, relationship wise. We haven't really ever had a period like this so it's been scary and incredibly difficult to deal with. There have been a lot of tears and talks and heated discussions, but I think we're pulling through it. At least I hope so. Because I'm so tired of feeling sad...
I've come to realize that about myself. I don't hold on to anger or sadness for very long. If I'm angry longer than 48 hours, I'm dedicated to it and probably forcing myself to be. I just hate wasting time and bits of my life with those emotions. I mean, they're justified and warranted and necessary sometimes, but I just want to feel them and let them go. I think that's sort of what made this last month more difficult. I kept trying to pull myself out of it only to be pushed down into it again. I hate that. It's against my nature to be sad... maybe? I don't know.... sigh.
Besides that drama, not much has been going on. We're still house hunting with no success. There's always an issue with one or it's not exactly what Ty wants. But he is sick of being in this house. It's frustrating. We either need to just settle on something or get over it and find a way to be okay with where we are at. I would love to move somewhere else just for a new adventure and something different, but I could be fine staying where we are too. Good location, huge house... If we put a little love into we might come to like it more.
That's really all I have for you. Uneventful month I suppose...
Hope your February went better than mine... Here's to March!!

That 60 degree day... lovely.

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