Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Random Adventure Sunday...

We had one goal: Macy's. We got there too early. So we set another goal: Lunch. It turns out, that goal was a lot harder to accomplish than we thought. There's this lovely little diner in Pacific Grove we love and were excited to have an excuse to go. Apparently everyone else thought so because it was packed. My husband and I aren't patient people, him even less so when hungry. So, we left our beloved diner in a desperate search for food. We walked around Pacific Grove for a half hour going in and out of cafes and diners which were all busier or more expensive than we wanted to deal with. So back to Macy's we went. And we ended up with pretzels. Oh well. Here's a couple of pics from the day.


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