Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

And you could become my downfall...

So I've basically given up on shopping in actual stores. I swear I can never find anything I like. Thus, I have turned to online shopping to get my fashion goodies. I'll admit that I hadn't even purchased anything online until this year. And now I'm addicted. I'm constantly checking websites for product updates. Especially places like Forever21. I'm always hesitant to purchase something from online. I mull over it for like a week until the product is either gone or I cave. I always question whether or not I'll like it once it gets here and while I can return it, I have to pay the stupid shipping.
Anyways, what this brings me to is the online splurging I've been doing lately. I really need to stop. But once I actually was able to find things I liked for once, it triggered my shopping instinct. Here are just a couple of things I've purchased recently. I didn't want to actually doll myself up to take pictures of clothing, so it's just some accessories.
ASOS Bracelet

Charlotte Russe

Charlotte Russe
Asos Bracelet


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