Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Monday, February 27, 2012

So Self-Sufficient...

I don't know what it is, but my husband and I have been sort of in a "self-sufficient" mania. I blame this woman I follow on Tumblr. She posts a lot about raising chickens and making your own furniture and other fascinating things. Basically, because of her, we've decided we're going to get chickens when we move next. How random is that? How cool is that??
For now, though, this has inspired us in other ways. For example, I found a recipe to make Larabars(which I love because they're completely natural and tasty) that I had wanted to try for forever but just never got around to. The other day, I just decided to do it! No more spending money on prepackaged ones. And can I say, mine are delicious!! I'd almost say better than the originals. But I may be biased.
My husband also got the idea of growing our own wheat from some article he read online about growing it in your windowsill. That project is still up in the air since we can find wheat seeds anywhere.
But, we have started growing our own sprouts! I don't know why, I just knew it was something relatively easy we could do. I don't even really eat sprouts, but I guess now I will have to.
And last night, after finally buying wheat flour, I made my very own bread!! It is delicious! I was so proud of myself that I did it and it actually turned out.
I never thought I'd be the kind of person who would make they're own bread or even consider buying chickens, but I am! I really can't explain this phenomena, but I'm going with it. :)
I made a ton. Different flavors.

They don't look beautiful, but trust me they taste AMAZING.

Doesn't it just look heavenly?


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