Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I think I Need a Sunrise... Tired of the Sunset...

Life has been really uneventful lately. Everyday feels exactly the same... because it is. I work. I come home. I "clean". I sit. Repeat. My life. Everything's just become so mundane... I know it's my own fault. I could go out and do stuff, but I don't really have people to hang out with here... again my fault. And who wants to hang out alone? I can do that here. I've been working a lot less so I've been bored even more so than usual. I really need to find something to do with my life.
I'm not doing anything, really.
But, things are going to change soon. We found out we're 99% positive we're going to Maryland when we're done here. I am so excited! Especially because that means we're not going to Georgia. No offense Georgia, but I had no desire to live there. I've always wanted to go to the east coast (blame Gilmore Girls). It just looks so beautiful. And where we're going to be is right in the middle of a lot of history. I'm looking forward to a change. Something new. It's never felt permanent here because we always knew we were leaving. Although we didn't realize we'd be here this long. I love this place and we were really blessed to get the chance to live here. But it's time for the next stage I think. We're lucky we get to do this while we're young. Explore. Travel.
We've been talking about kids lately. I don't know if you can ever be ready for kids, but I just feel like I am. I can't wait to be a mom. I can't wait to see Ty as a dad. I know it'll mean a lot of sacrifices and life will never be the same. At times, that does make me hesitate. But the desire I have to be a mom outweighs all of that. We've discussed starting to try when we get to Maryland since we know we'll be there awhile. It's crazy to think that this time next year we could be expecting.. CRAZY. I just want to make sure we're ready. Both of us. I want to make sure Ty is ready. I don't want him to be pressured into anything, you know? So I'm trying to limit the baby talk. We'll know when we're ready.
That's really all there is to share for the moment. The present is uneventful, but the future is looking more and more exciting.
CANNOT wait to experience fall again...

I'm going to find this place and never leave.


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