Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring is Officially Here...

Wow. I can't believe I haven't posted in so long. I just really have had nothing to remark on or share. Boring life sometimes. Anyways, today is the first day of April.. holy crap. Where does the time go? April always marks the beginning of spring for me. It's when things really start being...springy... It's hard to believe next week is Easter. Not that we're really planning on doing anything. We don't go to a church out here and since I really do not want to be one of those people who only go to church on Easter and Christmas, I think we're just going to watch a live feed from my church back home. I know it's not the same, but at least we're getting an Easter message. I plan on getting dressed up too for sure. I miss not being home for Easter. With four little kids, it's a lot of fun on that day. I miss not seeing my babies all dressed up, running around hunting for eggs like crazy. Oh well. We'll have to make do. I plan on eating a chocolate rabbit and having some of those delicious Reeses' eggs. (side note: Why are the eggs and pumpkins so much more amazing than just regular Reeses'??)
As I said, not much has been going on lately. I got "promoted"... sort of. Basically I have more responsibilities, have to get up at 4am... but I don't get paid more. Yay. Aside from the 4 am part, I am liking it though.
We did celebrate the last day of March in quite a festive fashion. We woke up at 10:30 and decided to go enjoy bottomless mimosas at a local restaurant.  SUCH a good idea. Only $12 for as many as we could drink before 3:00... and we got our money's worth! It was so much fun to be sipping mimosas in the middle of the day. Plus, I had the most DELICIOUS waffle EVER! Ugh. I cannot even tell you. (I have a severe love affair with breakfast food...) I did not enjoy, however, walking around the little mall area where the restaurant was incredibly tipsy. I sort of felt embarrassed since it was the middle of the afternoon and all... Oh well.
Usually for April Fool's Day, my husband and I will post some status on Facebook like we're engaged(before we were married) or we're pregnant. But we've been using the "we're pregnant" joke too much I think. Since we're actually planning to start trying for kids within the year, it probably would be a good idea to stop "crying wolf" so to speak. No one will believe us when we actually do get pregnant. So no joke this year.
Happy April everyone! :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

New shoes that I'm absolutely in love with.

Homemade chocolate chip biscotti.

Our mimosa day.


  1. That mimosa looks great! I am also so excited for spring!! I am new to your blog and I'm so glad I found it! I invite you to check mine out! I hope you are having a great week!

    -Heidi Harlequin


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