Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Just One of Those Days...

Ugh. Today has been one of those days... Where everything seems like a bigger deal then it is and everything seems to be going to hell.. Bleh. I don't know if I'm just being overly emotional or what...
It started with an eye exam this morning. First off, they called my insurance to get it authorized and they said that an eye exam wasn't covered which I KNOW it is because I just got the benefits booklet. But I said oh well. It's 40 bucks and I really need an eye exam. 
The exam ended with the optometrist needing to refer me to an ophthalmologist because he doesn't know why the vision in my right eye is being weird.. 
Needless to say, I'm a little freaked out about that. My mind instantly goes to the worst like a tumor or something...
Anyways... in order to go to the ophthalmologist I have to get my new insurance all set up because I'll need authorization to go. So I call to see how I go about getting a primary care provider but no one really gives me a clear answer on how to do it. Luckily, some people on facebook helped me out so hopefully I did it correctly. 
But I still need to get a referral for my referral. And of course the optometrist didn't sign the referral form so I'm going to have to go back and get that signed in order to fax it to my insurance as well as get my referral appointment set up. Gah.
And then to top it all off: I started my period. Which means I'm not pregnant. (obviously)
That was the cherry on top of my craptastic day. 
Tears ensued and I had a good feeling sorry for myself session. It was all just too much for today. Too much.
So I'm going to spend the rest of my day watching movies and maybe indulging in some bad for me food and a glass of something strong.
Thanks for listening to my pity party.



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