Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rainy Day and So Much to do...

It finally rained today. Like, full on, drops of rain. I was so excited. I love rainy days. I hate how seldom they are here. And definitely no thunderstorms. Who would've thought I would miss thunderstorms? I was always afraid of them when I was younger, but now I kind of enjoy them.
I would've loved to have spent this rainy day drinking coffee or tea and watching movies or reading... sigh.. but alas I actually had things to do. Dang it!
My house had gotten to the final realm of sty...so it had to be cleaned. :/ Stupid house. And I had to go all of the way to post just to turn around and have to go back tomorrow.
When I finally do have time to sit and drink some tea, the sun comes out. Of course.
Anyways, here are some pics from today while I was avoiding cleaning my house. Enjoy.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

So Self-Sufficient...

I don't know what it is, but my husband and I have been sort of in a "self-sufficient" mania. I blame this woman I follow on Tumblr. She posts a lot about raising chickens and making your own furniture and other fascinating things. Basically, because of her, we've decided we're going to get chickens when we move next. How random is that? How cool is that??
For now, though, this has inspired us in other ways. For example, I found a recipe to make Larabars(which I love because they're completely natural and tasty) that I had wanted to try for forever but just never got around to. The other day, I just decided to do it! No more spending money on prepackaged ones. And can I say, mine are delicious!! I'd almost say better than the originals. But I may be biased.
My husband also got the idea of growing our own wheat from some article he read online about growing it in your windowsill. That project is still up in the air since we can find wheat seeds anywhere.
But, we have started growing our own sprouts! I don't know why, I just knew it was something relatively easy we could do. I don't even really eat sprouts, but I guess now I will have to.
And last night, after finally buying wheat flour, I made my very own bread!! It is delicious! I was so proud of myself that I did it and it actually turned out.
I never thought I'd be the kind of person who would make they're own bread or even consider buying chickens, but I am! I really can't explain this phenomena, but I'm going with it. :)
I made a ton. Different flavors.

They don't look beautiful, but trust me they taste AMAZING.

Doesn't it just look heavenly?

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Spring Cleaning...

With Spring getting nearer, I've been contemplating revamping things in my life. Usually, when a new season comes I want to get a whole to wardrobe. This year, though, I'm pretty happy with my spring and summer selection that I have. I mean, tank tops and shorts are staples every year, right? So this year my plan is more to replace items that I have. I have a lot of tank tops that are just past their prime and it's time to replace them. Luckily, I work at Old Navy where basics are cheap so go me. Here's the list I have so far of what I want to update:
  • Tank tops
  • Bras-Invest in nice ones, not cheap ones
  • Underwear-Same as above
  • Makeup-I have literally had some of my makeup for years. I think it's time.
That being said, there are some things I would like to invest in that I don't have for spring. I need to invest in sandals that have straps instead of flip-flops because I can  no longer wear flip flops to work anymore. :/ I also would like to buy another pair of capris since I only have one and usually the weather here is too cool for shorts but too warm for pants. I would also like to wear more skirts and dresses everyday. Just because. I really only have one dress that's casual and I only own one skirt. Here's some that are on the top of my list or are at least similar to what I want:
*All from Forever21.com*
I really want pretty, feminine dresses for spring. My issue though, with skirts and dresses, is that I have hips so if they're flowy, they tend to make me look really big. So I tend to have to go with more fitted items like the skirts above.
I'm really going to try and resist buying tops and things similar to what I already have in my closet. I already have enough things in there that I don't wear, I don't need to add more.
Besides apparel, I'm also considering other updates. I'm thinking of investing in a new camera. I know what everyone says about it doesn't matter what brand the camera is, it's the photographer that determines the quality of a photo, but I just have issues with mine that I don't think other camera users have. I currently have an Olympus. I just don't think it takes as quality photos as Nikon or Canon. So I'm searching but I don't know which to go with. I've always wanted a Canon rebel just because everyone I know who does photography seems to have one, but I've been looking at the Nikon D3100 and I think it might be just a little bit better. Does anyone have either? I'd love to get some feedback about which to invest in. :)
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Is All You Need...

Yes, it's Valentine's Day. That day of the year everyone seems to have a love/hate relationship with. Usually, if you're in a relationship, it's a fun and romantic day to spend with the one you love basking in each others' loving gazes(and getting showered with flowers and chocolates). If you're not, then it's a stupid holiday that only idiots celebrate and don't even acknowledge it as a holiday but just another day in the week.
Whichever side you land on this year, I the idea behind the day is nice. I mean, I know you should show how much you love someone everyday, but we get into a normalcy in our everyday life. It's nice to have sort of an extra special day, ya know? I've always liked Valentine's day even though I didn't have my first Valentine until I met my husband. My parents were my Valentines. Every year growing up, we'd wake up to a stuffed animal, a fake rose, and some chocolate from my parents. I loved that. It made me feel special. I never really felt the pressure of having a Valentine until high school because I had Valentines every year from my parents. They made a boy obsolete that day. :)
My husband doesn't really "celebrate" this day. He's one of those who thinks it's more important to show love every other day, which I get. But it'd still be nice to do a little something special I think. I don't know if we'll end up doing anything special today, but I'm wearing pink and lace and will get myself some chocolate anyways. :) Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Don't Always Believe What You See...

I have a confession: I am so unbelievably behind on this photo project. Like two weeks behind... It gets to a point where you wonder if it's possible to catch up. But I have a plan. I'm going to schedule a couple days of five prompts a day. Hopefully it will help me catch back up. But I admit: Epic fail.
Anyway... here are some pictures I HAVE taken. A couple of weeks ago we decided to go on another one of our photography adventures to the beach. Everything seems like a good idea in theory. This was not a good idea. It. Was. Freezing. The wind was blowing like crazy and did I mention it was freezing?? I was miserable but my husband was frolicking like a mad man. Crazy. So, while these pictures may look like it's a nice warm day at the beach, do not be deceived.

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