Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Living for the Weekends...

One of the things I regret most about our time in California is how little exploring we did. There's so much to see and do, but we always ended up doing the same things. For example, how is it we lived there for 2 years and never went to a vineyard or a winery or anything like that? And we never went to L.A. Or the mountains. Or whatever. We had our usual weekend routine that we stuck to. Which is fine, and I usually had really good times, but there's so much that I feel like we should have done. I promised myself that when we moved out East finally that we'd do it right and explore like fiends. But here we are. 3+ months of living out here and haven't gone anywhere. Hm.
Without disclosing too exactly of where we are I will just say we are a short drive away from D.C. With just that information you can imagine how much there is to see and do here. Hiking, mountains, historical places, the ocean, D.C. in general, anything really up or down the coast...
But yet another Saturday has gone by where we're still going to the same mall and still ending up at home drinking coffee.
Don't get me wrong, I love that we're homebodies and I could stay at home with just the two of us forever. But it just seems a waste of the opportunity we have of living out here. We may never be back here again and I don't want to regret not going on adventures.
I suppose I just need to plan day adventures and just do them. That way we don't have an excuse. We're always at a loss for what to do on weekends, but if we already had a plan in action, we'd be great.
Where to start, I wonder...
On a side note: Summer needs to stop arriving so early. I wanted Spring. Not summer. This heat can go away until June. Thanks from a girl who lived in a bay for 2 years and hasn't seen 80 degrees since.

Now for some random pictures that have nothing to do with this post:

Farm fresh eggs courtesy of my manager from work.. I was way too excited about these.

Rainy nights apparently inspire me to break out my camera.

Forever the most beaten looking dog.

My husband's bass.


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