Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas...

So, I'm one of those people who believe that Thanksgiving is STILL a holiday and should not be shoved aside or looked over just so people get start their Christmas jubilation early. Don't get me wrong: I love Christmas. I am just a firm believer in everything having it's moment in the sun. Therefore I refuse to put up Christmas decorations a moment before Thanksgiving evening. Discussion over.
While I believe in the appropriate celebration of Thanksgiving, I will say that it is the worst weekend for me EVER. I work in retail and that week is retail HELL. And to top it off, my store opened at midnight Black Friday. So yeah. I basically did not see my husband for three days. Back to back shifts and very little sleep was the theme of the week. I can't wait for the day that I don't work in retail and can actually enjoy a Thanksgiving and maybe even participate in some Black Friday hoopla. Oh to dream...
But that's all over with (thank goodness!!) and my Christmas spirit is in full swing. We put up decorations last weekend dressed in appropriate Christmas apparel (lots of burgundy and sweaterness) with Pandora officially locked on Michael Buble Holiday channel and our Bath and Body Works holiday candles filling the air with a Christmas aroma. We actually didn't purchase any of our decorations save our tree. The family that gave us their furniture when they moved unloaded boxes of decorations on us thereby providing us with everything we needed. It's not all exactly our taste but we made it work. And hey, it was free.
I'm feeling really nostalgic this year for some reason. It's probably because we haven't been home or been with our families for a year. That's the longest we've ever been away from them. I am beyond ready to go home (in 2 weeks!!) and see everyone and relax. I'm excited to surrounded by snow (not looking forward to the cold though), food, drinks, a fireplace, and loved ones with no cares in the world...
We're flying this year as opposed to driving 36 hours like last year. While I'm relieved we don't have to make that torturous and exhausting trip, I'll admit I'm nervous about flying. I've never flown before (shocker I know) and I'm a little scared. My husband keeps telling me not to worry about it and that it'll be fine, but I don't think he gets it. I've NEVER flown before. I have a slight fear of it. I wish I wasn't such a horrible drunk so I could throw a few back before the flight and relax. Maybe I'll just take some NyQuill and pass out... :/
No matter what it takes, though, I'm going home. And I cannot wait. :)
*How was Thanksgiving for everyone else???*
I'll leave you with some pics of our decorating extravaganza:

Spiked apple cider and pumpkin muffins

Kahlua and coffee. Yeah, we're classy like that.

This is how we prepare for putting up lights...


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