Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Random Recap/Some Lovely...

I'll be honest, life has been kind of boring the last couple of days. I've been working. That's about it. I actually had to work all weekend, while Ty was off. That sucked. I would much rather have been spending time with him than spending time with annoying customers who think I'm there maid and want to clean up their mess. Total disregard for anyone else pisses me off. I've worked in retail too long I think. I'm losing faith and patience with humanity. I can't even pretend to be nice anymore and I'm great at acting. I know what you're thinking, "If you would just decide what you want to do for your career, you could go back to school and not have to deal with it." Oh, what a loaded discussion. For a later date. I have to go be peppy and clean up people's messes in about an hour.
One exciting thing? I bought my wedding ring. You know, the one in the previous post. Yeah. I love it. I won't lie and say it's exactly what I dreamed of and what I always wanted. But, I have expensive tastes when it comes to rings. This one was on sale and was the closest thing I'm going to get to what I want for under like 5,000. So, I'll take it!!
You may wonder why I've been married for almost a year and don't have a wedding ring, but it's a pretty simple reason. We didn't have the money when we got married to buy a ring so we just got the band. But we finally have the money. I'll admit, I'm kind of sad it didn't happen the way I imagined. I wanted him to get an idea of what I would like and pick one and surprise me with it. But, I pretty much found it and picked it out. He said he was going to get one for our anniversary and surprise me with it but didn't want to pass up such a deal on one I loved. I don't know if he really would've ended up doing that. I shouldn't think that, but I do. I think he would have every intention, but it wouldn't have happened. Kind of like my birthday "present". He said that day he was going to get me something but was afraid it'd be something I really wouldn't want so he ended up getting me nothing. He's not big into traditional things. Such as gifts on days you customarily give gifts or anything like that. Unfortunately I'm one of those traditional girls who tend to expect those things. But when he states his view on the subject, I wonder if I'm just going with society. Maybe he's right. Why do you need a gift to show your love on this specific day outlined by society? Shouldn't everything else be enough? So, I begin to feel conflicted. Wanting something special because that's what I've grown up knowing, but understanding the stupidity of it. He's more one of those if you want it get it guys. I guess he doesn't understand my side in wanting a surprise or something from him that he thinks I would like. Not because it's a gift, but because it's something from him. Something he thought about and put time into.
Oh well. I still got my ring so what I'm I over-thinking and complaining about?
I shouldn't complain about my husband. He does pretty amazing things too. Like this morning, he brought me my coffee in bed so I would get up and spend time with him. How many men actually want to spend time with their wives? Probably not as much as mine. I know that bringing me coffee doesn't sound like much, but to me, it's better than buying me a car (ok, similar to). So,  stop whining Chrissy! You've got a great guy, don't forget that.


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