Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Monday, July 11, 2011

I don't heart you San Francisco...No, I don't.

So, we had our San Francisco weekend. Overall Score: Not impressed.
We started the trip with discovering that our gps was stolen out of our car. Boo. But we moved forward and got to San Francisco right about the time we could check in. The hotel was nice. The room was small, but elegant. The bed was ultra comfy. We relaxed for awhile in the hotel before we decided to head out and explore. Our hotel was located right in Union Square so we figured we'd have good walking access to most of the things we wanted to do. We walked around Union Square for about four hours, perusing in and out of shops and trying to find our way around. I felt like we kept going in circles. Or maybe it all just looked the same. I was really excited to go to H&M considering I always see people having cute stuff from there and we don't have one near here. I went into both SF stores and have to say I was completely disappointed. They both were a madhouse and both were a mess. I could not imagine actually finding anything in there between the hoards of people and and stuff all over the place. So disappointing. I suppose I'll just have to wait until they FINALLY introduce online shopping later this year.
All stores were basically like that. Extremely busy, which I'm not used to here in Monterey or back home. Plus, they all seemed high-end. AKA way more expensive than I'm willing to shop. I'm sorry, but I'm not the type of girl who will spend more than $20 on a shirt. A shirt that will most likely be out of style next year and I'll never wear again. I've never spent more than $40 on a pair of jeans in my life (true story). Needless to say I left San Fran without purchasing anything other than food.
On that note. We were really hoping to go out and have fun in San Fran, somewhere near the hotel so we could just walk back. We found somewhere to eat that didn't charge $35 for food. It was nice. Great food and a jazz band. Luckily it was less than a block from the hotel considering I decided to dress up and wear uber high and uber uncomfortable heels. I should know better than to attempt such a thing considering I NEVER wear heels. And never that high in my life. After dinner, we were hoping to find a bar or somewhere to have cheap drinks nearby. Alas, we found one and that one didn't serve us after sitting for fifteen minutes. So we left. We decided to just go buy some drinks and head back to the hotel. Wear I crashed about a half hour later.
I was expecting to get kind of crazy, ya know? Have fun in the big city. So I was needless to say disappointed. I mean, I loved spending time with my husband and we had a good time together, but we could've had just as good of a time anywhere (and not spend $250 on a room when we were told it would be 180...long story). But, at least I can say that I've been there. Done that. I guess I'm just not a big city type of girl. I mean, I love that there's so much to do but I can't take all of the crowds and people and the traffic and I'm kind of paranoid about people stealing or whatever. Not my cup of tea.
Our Bed.

The rest of the room. Yeah.
Walking down the street.


What a looker.

I'm glad we got to do something out of the ordinary for our anniversary though. I can't believe we've been married a year. It seems like just yesterday we were taking endless walks around Quincy together, both obviously having feelings for the other but one of us (yes me) trying to deny it. I remember the summer we first met so vividly. All of the drama. All of the romance. All of the fun. Sometimes I wonder if we're too different. We were too young when we got married. I wonder if we'll make it with everything that's against us. Then again, I didn't think we'd ever end up together in the first place. There's so many things we don't agree on. Things we do differently. Believe differently. It probably, on some level, shouldn't work, him and I. But it does. Somehow, beyond my understanding, it works. Maybe because our foundation, despite all of the differences, is that we truly love each other. We respect one another. We can put up with each other because we can't imagine our lives without the other, and wouldn't want to. I remember when he "proposed" and I asked my mom if I was crazy or if she thought it was the right thing, and she asked something along the lines of do you love him? Can you imagine anyone in your life but him? And I couldn't. I can't. I haven't really dated anyone besides him (like, at all), but still, I couldn't see anyone but him by my side. He's the one I want. He's the one that fits.
Being married has taught me a lot. I know I still have a lifetime to learn. I won't lie and say we're happy all of the time or we like each other all of the time. He does things that upset me. Says things that make me mad or feel bad. I do things that annoy the hell out of him. But we sleep on it, and the next day we're back to normal. At the core of it all, we're best friends who are in love with one another. So much has happened in a year, and so much will happen in the next. I'm just holding on for the ride and am so glad that he's holding my hand right next to me. <3
And now for some wedding pictures. Enjoy! :)


  1. Lovely pictures, I would love to go to San Francisco some day though :D All the posts, whether outfit posts or just writing are simply amazing and the name of the blog is really original! I was wonderring if you would have time to check mine, possibly follow each other? Hope we keep in touch!

    Mary from http://teenfashiondiary.blogspot.com/

  2. Thank you dear! :)
    And of course I'll check it out!! I'm always up to follow new blogs. For some reason my icon doesn't show up correctly when I follow someone, but I went ahead and followed you. :)

  3. Lovely pictures and reflection! Sorry that your GPS was stolen, but it sounds like your trip looked up. SF is such a beautiful place, glad that you enjoyed it, and you were a lovely bride!

    The Internet Garbage


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