Just my random thoughts on life. A journal for the world to see.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

His and Hers wine on a Friday night...

Forgive me for whatever might come next. As incoherent as it may be. I am currently glass in hand away from finishing a bottle of wine. By myself. What can I say? I don't drink often, but when I do, I drink with vigor. I personally like white wine. Riesling is my absolute favorite. It's like juice to me. Very dangerous juice. He likes red. Usually we just meet halfway and get a four dollar bottle of white zinfandel Sutter Home. A nice blush wine that's sweet enough for me but close enough to red for him I suppose.
We're currently watching our Will and Grace DVD. Exciting Friday night, I know. We are such the old couple already. Watching movies all night instead of going out. I wonder if when we're 50 we'll be that old couple at the bar, awkwardly dancing to the latest music in revealing clothing showing wrinkles and c-section scars. I don't know.
That's something I've always loved about us though. That's how I knew we could grow old together. We already kind of are old together. We can do these seemingly boring things and be okay with it.
I'm kind of tipsy. So I'm getting tired but ancy. Thus this post I suppose. I really need to get some friends out here. Some girlfriends to go out with on a Friday night, ya know? But if I went out with him, we'd have to worry on who would drive us home, do we splurge on a cab, all that stuff. I have yet to really go out out since I've turned 21. He has yet to be my DD and pick me up at two am like I have him. Oh well. That's me. Antisocial. We've almost been here a year and I really haven't made any friends. I mean, people at work of course, but I doubt and have yet to ever hang out with them outside of work. I've met a couple of other military wives, but haven't really become good friends. I have that issue with people for some reason. Whenever I become "friends" with people, it's always one way. I always try and hang out or put the effort in, but they never do. Never ask to hang out or do anything or are there when I need them. It's been like that as long as I can remember with people. People I consider my friends but who don't really care. Why is that? I just don't get it. I know I'm not the most amazing person ever, but why do people seem to want to be friends but don't want to put in any kind of effort? I just am so sick of it. I'm tired of going alone on a two-way street. I guess that's why I haven't really made friends here. I'm tired of it, ya know?
Apologies for the rambling, but I felt the urge to post for some reason. Off to bed now. Goodnight!!


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